Lgreen NAV provides industry operations know-how, paired with sophisticated financial analytics, to independently support investment analysis and drive client profits.

  • There is no other single-source provider of operations knowledge & financial analytics across all asset sectors.
  • Efficiently filter deal flow.
  • Capture concealed value at your portfolio companies.
  • On demand, as needed services.

Why are We Different?

Lgreen Nav Venn Diagram
  • Innovative Features
  • ​Market leading innovation & collaboration.
  • Broad exposure across private & institutional investors.
  • Absolutely independent.
  • All asset classes.
  • Best in class specialists across disciplines.
  • Client Benefits
  • Position exit across private & institutional markets.
  • Diversify your team.
  • Reduce overhead.
  • Gain competitive advantage.
  • Maximize returns.

What We Provide

Lgreen Nav Summary

Operations Knowledge Depth Across All Asset Sector

    Our Sector Specialists exemplify true ground-up operational
    proficiency, paired with top-down capital markets perspective. We
    are the only sector specialist network focused exclusively on
    independent investment strategy analysis.


Private & Institutional Market Analysis

    Our client base consists of private equity funds, hedge funds,
    venture capital funds, private investors, and deal sponsors.
    Collectively, we utilize the Lgreen Network's extensive market
    knowledge and financial analytics competencies. 


Standardized Private Market Analytics

    The current direct investment marketplace is highly fragmented,
    with no common reference point for risk adjusted investment value.
    Lgreen NAV provides this reference point for investors, deal
    sponsors and service providers, driven by top experts and further
    verified by Lgreen's unparalleled direct investor access.

Asset Sector Coverage & Skill Specific Disciplines

Lgreen NAV covers ALL Asset Sectors.  Here is a sampling of the most requested.  If you don't see your specific requirement, keep in mind that the unique Lgreen Network enables us to tap into Sector Specialists quickly, with strong referrals, across the world. 

Asset Sector Coverage (most requested)

    Real Estate
    Intellectual Property
    Renewable Energy
    Traditional Energy
    Consumer Products

    Health Technologies
        Medical Device
        Information Technologies
        Healthcare Technologies
    Mining & Metals
    Oil & Gas Exploration
    Digital Media
    Municipal Debt
    Insurance & Risk Management
    Asset Backed Investing

Skill Specific Disciplines (sampling)

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    Stochastic Modeling
    Financial Analytics
    Automated Data Filtering & Organization
    409(a) Valuation
    Research Data Providers

Value Creation Services

Lgreen Index

    Strengthens investment returns by
    fostering value drivers and identifying
    weaknesses on an early stage basis.

Cost effectively captures Sector Specialist knowledge depth and capital markets perspective utilizing standardized risk attributes. Lgreen Index Scorecard rates risk adjusted return against market norms. Enhancement option to capture direct investor feedback using the same standardized scorecard methodology.

Strategic Diligence

    Identifies latent value drivers and risks     overlooked by competition using     multidisciplinary team expertise.

Sector Specialists provide asset specific operations knowledge depth to diligence direct investments while contributing private and institutional capital markets intelligence. Utilizing multiple Sector Specialists across disciplines yields unparalleled investment diligence that is otherwise impractical to bring in house. Advanced enhancement options include skill specific specialists such as Geospatial Analysis, Machine Learning, and Stochastic Modeling.

Independent Valuation

    Drives investor confidence and grows     AUM via independent investment value     transparency.

Single source provider of fair value and audit support across asset classes for hedge funds, private equity funds, and private investors. Lgreen NAV's work product stands apart from all other valuation providers; we don't believe in opaque, "black box" methodology. Valuation reports stand on their own merit as they are comprehensive, transparent, and easily understood.

Advanced Acceleration

    Rapidly accelerates equity value growth     by capturing direct perspective from     accomplished industry veterans.

Lgreen NAV pairs deal sponsors and with private investor principals from the Lgreen Capital platform. These investor principals are accomplished in their respective asset classes and provide direct mentorship to accelerate the deal sponsor's success.

Strategic Surveillance

    Early stage warning system addresses     investment value volatility using     independent, asset specific perspective.

Ongoing investment performance tracking by analyzing and reporting historical deal performance, current market trending, and ongoing investment strategy adjustments. Strategic Surveillance is a strong asset management tool to identify investment performance pitfalls and latent value drivers on an early stage basis.

Business Planning

    Focuses investment execution on     highest value add elements.

Market analysis, customer segmentation, highest value application, financial modeling, and business plan compilation tailored to the client's investment strategy.

We are absolutely confident that our services will create value for you.  Please contact us below so that we can discuss your specific requirements.

Qualified institutional investors will receive a complimentary consultation with Sector Specialists to define specific value-add strategies.  Contact us now for this offer. Limitations apply.

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